Being Sharp Isn’t Everything

Being Sharp Isn’t Everything

OK, I am not taking about brains here, although having your wits about you is always a good thing, especially when traveling in unfamiliar territory.  I am talking about an image being in focus. A photo doesn’t have to be tack sharp or in focus to be good or great. In my opinion, a photographer’s job is to tell a story. While not my best image, the photograph here was taken at dusk in NYC, through glass. I took the quick shot so the man with the paper wouldn’t see me. Is it sharp? No, but with all the elements in the photo you can come to the conclusion that this man is probably getting his shoes shined. This isn’t going to hang on my wall anytime soon, but it definitely fits into my portfolio of New York. It’s just a piece of the overall story, regardless if it’s in focus or not. Shoe